Jaimini Astrology


Jaimini astrology is one of the main branches of Jyotish that were forgotten long ago until K.N. Rao in India revived this method, which to this day has about 90-95% accuracy in perdition

I personally have not worked with Jaimini, however I am in the process of learning this method in the coming years.

In Jaimini astrology, signs, not planets have aspect. For example, cardinal signs will aspect all the fixed signs except the one next to it. Fixed signs aspect all cardinal signs, except the one previous to it. And finally, all the mutable signs aspect the other mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces.

There are many layers to this methods, not just sign aspect but something known as 'Karakas', 'Chara dasha' and 'Karakansha Lagna'.

There are five main branches of astrology in India:

  1. Prashara Hora Shastra
  2. Jaimini Sutra Bhrigu Nadi Jyotish 
  3. KP Astrology 
  4. Nadi Astrology 
  5. Lal Kitab

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